Friday 25 January 2019


I remember a time back in high school long back, where i was asked to write an essay about “women empowerment” for women’s day. I was a really lazy child back then, and for me, writing essays were a boring thing to do . Like any other lazy girl ,at school, i refused to write an essay on how important it is for women to be educated, how important it is for her to fight back , how vaguely necessary it is for her to not cross the line, how to encourage women employment etc etc. Back then, it was just another homework that i had to do, and to be honest, i never paid any attention to the essays that were written by my fellow classmates. Yes, i was a lousy kid indeed.
Today as i sit here, i now realize that not writing that essay back then ,was a mistake. I regret not writing my views and my opinions about it and i deeply regret not listening to the other students read their essays . And so, i have taken up the time today, to think of what we women deserve, what we have to do, and what we should look up to.
When a girl raises her voice against something , that becomes an issue, but why? ” ladkiya aise nahi bolte” (” girls don’t talk like this”),they say.
When a girl wears clothes that the society doesn’t accept, she is being judged ,they say.
When a girl goes to a bar, has a drink , that girl is irresponsible , they say.
When a girl works in the merchant navy ,becomes a pilot, she is not fit to do so. they say
When a girl earns more than the man , the man becomes too embarrassed,
When a girl has more guy friends than girls, she is a slut, they say.
But lets just take this the other way around, when a man raises his voice against something ,no-one says ” boys don’t talk like this”. When a guy dresses up however he wants to ,no-one judges him. When a guy goes to a bar and has a drink or two, he is never called irresponsible. When a man works in the merchant navy, becomes a pilot, he is fit to do so. When the man earns more than the women, she is never embarrassed. When the man has more girl friends than guys, no-one ever judges him. When the subject matter is about the man , no-one ever asks him to do things the right way, no-one ever bothers to say anything bad, no-one ever bothers to judge him . Women are not slaves. I believe strongly that women are born fierce, strong and power full. I do not mean to offend the power of a man, I wish to stand up for every girl child, every independent women, every mother and every sister . We are young, We are beautiful, We are strong. .
This is where women need to be free. This is where we fight for women empowerment, this is where we need gender equality.
This women’s day, to all those beautiful, young women out there, be brave, be strong, be bold. Keep raising your voice, fight back the way you want to, talk back when you have to, feel free to be the way you desire to be.

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